Your Preference U24, Xitel, M-Audio or Edirol ???

I have been reading up on all of the threads on using one of these devices from my PC (Dell PC - Windows XP) into my DAC. It looks like I need to buy one of these devices as the first step. I need some help on selecting one so any help you can provide or a preference would be much appreciated on one of the following:

Waveterminal U24
Xitel HiFi Pro Link
Edirol UA-5
M-Audio Revolution 5.1

Thanks and Happy Listening.
I've not tried the others you mention, but I do use a Waveterminal U24 and cannot tell the difference between my Mac based system via the U24 vs. my transport going through the same DAC. Needless to say, I'm very happy with the U24. I think they've discontinued it though.

I hated my M-Audio. It was junk.
An external unit with a seperate power supply should perform better than an internal card.
If you can find one with coax digital out to the DAC, that may be a little better. Most are toslink???
Is there a good online source (Canada/US) for the Waveterminal U24? that is if it is still available. I am looking to getting started on a hard drive based system using an Apple powerbook.


The Edirol UA-5 or the Waveterminal are both decent quality stock, but both have to be purchased used. Forget about the Xitel. Uses the native PC drivers. Xitel is beyond help. The M-audio stuff is superb, but only if modded.