High End User Interface for PC Audio

In the future, I am sure high end manufactuers will give us the same tweaky, visual and tactile happiness that we enjoy with exotic digital and analogue source devices.

In the meantime, however, one of the things that really disappoints me about PC audio is the cheesey, plasticky feel of surfing through iTunes on a computer, with my Tympanis, ARC and Mark Levinson eyeing me suspiciously from the background.

Indeed, there are times when I almost feel guilty, as if I were pouring cheap wine into a beautiful glass.

So I am wondering: using technology available TODAY, what would you use to upgrade the look and the feel of a hard drive based system, using UNCOMPRESSED files, delivered to the DAC of your choice?

A metal keyboard? laser mouse?

A sexy, HD capable monitor sitting on a coffee table to surf through your digital library?

Wireless technology to increase the - wow this is cool -factor for PC based audio?

Apple Mac G5? (Not a good answer IMO.)

Airport type wireless device? Or USB based device?

Thank you for your ideas.
I just bought Dell Dimension 5100 PC as a dedicated Audio/Video Server in my Audio/Video room.

It's feeding USB to Waveterminal U24 to my Meridian.
(I don't trust wireless signal feeding for the quality of sound for now)

I'm using Microsoft Bluetooth wireless keyboad and mouse with it.
Use a tablet PC that gets the data from a network server drive and transfers by USB to your system. Totally wireless and has a nice portable screen that you can put in your lap.
My sleek 17 in. MAC G4 Powerbook looks pretty nice sitting on top of my stereo rack. It took a little getting used to but it has been well worth it. I too favor the "wired" connections (Wavterminal to DAC) over the wireless optical options.

I cannot honestly see replacing this set-up with a CD player. Even handling CD's has become passe' for me.
Personally, I think that the Apple Powerbooks are as elegant as anything put out by the high end audio crowd (and in a different league than most PCs)

I have a Power Mac G5 that is loaded with Apple lossless files playing through my DAC and Monoblock amps to the speakers.

But the best part is that I have a small (12"), elagant Apple Powerbook which controls the G5 wirelessly (and flawlessly). I can sit where I want in the room or wander around the house and have access to a staggering amount of music.

I will never go back to CeeDees!
I'm using a 12" IBM Thinkpad laptop to remotely control my VRS Audio music server over a wireless connection. Not as elegant as a MAC solution perhaps, but very convenient.

That said, I recently purchased a couple of Sonos zone players and controllers for a whole house system (www.sonos.com). The Sonos controller is a truly wonderful device in a great package. I would love to be able to control my VRS system with this! I've emailed both VRS and Sonos to that effect.