Killer Specs for High End PC in 2006

I have read several different threads re iPods for audio and video, as well as various suppliers for the custom PC of my Audiogon dreams.

However, when speaking to PC builders, I have been caught surprisingly off guard when asked for the specs - I would have thought I knew what I wanted, but I am not yet clear enough to place the order.

In fact, I was practically flamed in another forum, by simply saying that I wanted the fastest, "best" PC with tons of memory and disk space for audio and video applications.

Given that PCs are not very expensive, and are not room dependent like audio, I still dont understand the mystery of building a cost no object, Windows based PC.

I would guess Alienware or other high end gaming PCs might be a good rough draft. But I dont want geeky hobbyist cases, gaming will not be my primary focus and I would like the audio and video to be even more sophisticated.

So I would greatly appreciate any advice and perhaps we can collectively design the ultimate, multimedia PC?

Here are my initial, perhaps frustratingly vague thoughts:

Maximum memory and hard drive space for audio/video
Capacity for additional, stackable hard drive modules
Ability to read and "burn" both CDs and DVDs
Fast "boot up", lean mean OS
Is component output for video possible?
Digital output (WAV files?) for external DAC?
Multiple monitors - at LEAST 3 - in "hydra" configuration
Video sufficient for video, gaming, but not necessarily CAD or molecular research
High end PC, or HTPC cases, as linked in other threads
Keyboard also "high end" build quality, preferably wireless
Robust, reliable build quality (dont want tweaky cooling systems for overclocking etc. if that reduces reliability)

I realize these few points may barely begin to solve the puzzle here, but perhaps this might inspire some thinking for others who plan to build a PC.

And any ideas, suggestions, personal experiences or vendors would be greatly appreciated.


Extra Credit I

I thought it might be interesting to also design the ultimate "nearfield" audio system to go with this concept.

Powered studio monitors? Electrostatics for low level clarity? Surround sound perfectly oriented to the desk chair of this computer?

That could be another thread all by itself but please let us hear your ideas here too.

Extra Credit II

Another idea - could this system also be the hub of a LAN?

Could I log onto this system remotely, using it as a server, and accessing my files? And connect to a wireless router so send music around the house?
To a certain extent, I agree with Ultraviolet on overspending on a music PC. It doesn't take a mega-processor to run a trouble-free processor, and that's why I didn't recommend a dual core Xeon motherboard. It doesn't take muc h processor power, but the system and OS should be optimized for best performance. For me, I am waiting for the Intel-powered Mac Mini to be introduced (hopefully at Macworld Expo next week). A current Mac Mini with Bluetooth and WiFi runs under $700. My main investment is in Glyph Technologies drives, which I do feel is worth the investment if you're going for a high end PC hard drive digital transport (and I am).

On the other hand, there is absolutely nothing wrong with climbing to the pinnacle of PC music server nirvana. If I had the bucks to buy a G5 Power Mac or an ultimate custom-built Windows rig, I would do it. The spec's I have provided earlier simply serve as a guide to those who want to pursue an excellent system. Who knows, I still might buy an A-Tech Fabrication HTPC HeatSync Case 6000 and roll my own, just to build a fanless system.
You know, you owe it to yourself to go to the local Apple store to see the Apple products. The build quality and attention to detail is what you are looking for in terms of a premium user experience. I would like you to simply remove the cover from a G5 - it looks like a BMW.

Add to that a very seamless level of integration - and the absence of a lot of stupid Windows stuff - and at least until Longhorn ships it is the media platform of choice. (Personally I don't think Longhorn will change anything but a bit of suspense is entertaining.)

IMHO a very tweaked dual Xeon from IBM with top of the line ATI video cards and Cheetahs or Raptors for the boot and application drives, SATA for the data, several gigs of RAM etc would be a powerful second best but it will never approach the aesthetics or attention to detail of a Mac. It will also be more expensive and harder to use. And it won't do much for your music - except perhaps let you rip faster.

Here's the deal...

There is a revolution going on. Its all about the fact that global standardization has dropped the prices of the all the essential components (drives, RAM, USB, displays) to the ground. Go into your local Frys (a huge discount retailer) and marvel at the aisles of 300Gb hard drives... and the people who are stuffing them into their shopping baskets.

Because audio is a relatively simple computational problem for modern PCs, we - the AUDIOphools are the beneficiaries... for perhaps the first time in history every body has access to the good stuff.
This thread started with Apple and ended with Apple, you should get the hint by now.

PC's will never be able to compete with a Mac when it comes to video encoding. Apple's were built for this very purpose. Pixar, Disney Studio and many others are dependant on Apple not PC's.

IMHO going for a PC would be a mistake.

Apple Mac excells in Multimedia (period).

Disclaimer: I am part of the administrative team at but in no way associated with Apple Mac
Kana813, I am not sure there would be a difference between Foobar on a PC conected to a DAC versus iTunes on a Mac connected to a DAC provided that the PC is using kernal streaming (i.e., bypassing Windows' k-mixer).

My point has always been that to get a PC to "sing" like a Mac, you have to invest in the necessary hardware and software to get bit-perfect audio out of a PC to feed to a DAC, so why not get a Mac and save money and frustration? Not only that, but as far as I know, Foobar 2000 and iPods don't exactly work together as seamlessly as iTunes and an iPod. I'm with Quadophile and other Mac enthusiasts in recommending a Mac.

By the way, the new Intel-powered iMac and MacBook Pro have built-in digital audio optical outputs, so there is absolutely no need for an external digital conversion device to send digital audio straight into a DAC with digital optical inputs like the Benchmark DAC-1 or the Apogee Mini-DAC. It will be interesting to see what other great products Apple will be introducing throughout this year. I'm going to Macworld in San Francisco later this week to talk to one of Apple's techies about digital audio. If anyone is interested, I'll post my findings.