Roku SoundBridge vs. SqueezBox3

Has anyone compared to two. I am seriously looking the Roku as it works with MusicMatch. This unit will be connected via ethernet to a DAC.

Thank you for your input.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xartizen65
May i suggest Sonos ( It is self amplified, does not need a pc to be, comes with a great controller with a large color screen, and most importantly is very reliable.
I was just checking out the sonos, and it does need a PC. I would also not view the self amplified part as an advantage, but that's just me.

Artizen65, I think ethernet is definitely the way to go. I think both the Soundbridge and the SqueezBox would be great products if they excluded WI-FI. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the WI-FI is always transmitting regardless of which connection you use. My frustration lies in the fact that these companies are trying to appeal to the mass market, rather than making a top notch product. BTW Does anyone know where to find "Audiophile" grade tinfoil hats?
just to be clear, if all of your music is stored on an NAS you do not need the pc to be on. trust me, i have the sonos and i do not have my pc on...