USB-S/PDIF Converter or USB DAC?

I've decided it's time to use a music server with my main system. I currently use one (iBook) with my headphone system with the Grace m902 headphone amp with built-in USB DAC. I intend to get a new Intel iBook when they are released (March/April).

I currently have an unused Wavelength Audio S/PDIF DAC that I could use with a USB-S/PDIF converter (such as Empirical or Red Wine Audio) or get a USB DAC (WA Brick, Stello, ???). Is a dedicated USB DAC preferred over the hack USB-S/PDIF converter route?
If any buffering involved, you may have delays resulting in pops and clicks...

So what do you guys do if the distance is more then 5m?
For more than 5m, use a USB-SPDIF converter first, then you can send a long way. Across the house. To the neighbors, even.

I had the same problem with the WA Brick and Gordon gave me the advice of using long ICs. I had bought two 5m USB extenders and it´s what I am using, but unfortunately it crackles every now and then. The IC route is way too expensive and I guess over time I will put the computer next to my system.
For your USB extension, check out this optical cable:

I use a 65 foot optical usb extensnion with no loss or degradation of the signal.

If you are using a PC, the following ASIO driver is superior to the ASIO4ALL

Using this driver, I have no pops or ticks with the Cosecant. The settings on J. River and Foobar are minimum buffering.

I hope this helps you,

Belkin will also be offering a wireless USB Hub in July 06. This will have the bandwidth for 24/96.