Best $200-$500 DAC

I wanted to see what the top recommendations would be for a new or used DAC going from the coax out of a Roku Soundbridge to an integrated amp. The SB is across the room and set up in wireless mode. Any help is appreciated.
A cambridge. It's a bargain being that its balanced. I remember buying one new for only a few hundred bucks.
Get a Lite DAC-ah and have it modified by Doug Jesse at RAM. Right around $500 and an outstanding value.
Thank you for the suggestions. It looks like it probably makes sense to spend an extra $100-$200 and go with a higher-quality DAC. In the $500-$700 range, do any other DAC's outperform the MF or Bel Canto?
I would love to know as well. I heard the Pacific Valve modded version of the Lite is good...
Has anybody tried the USB SilverStone EB01 dac? It looks fairly nice and is only $99. It's $89 at (look under store specials-about halfway down). I was looking into USB dacs and noticed this, but I have no idea what it sounds like and was wondering if any others have tried it. I can't imagine it sounding too great at this price, but you never know. Sandra