Audioengr; You make a good point. Also, your inputs over at That Other Forum is really appreciated. For now I am using the Transporter digital output for two reasons. First, on my main system I prefer the warmer signal going to my amps that comes from the Audio Aero, as opposed to the more analytical sound I get from the Transporter. Also, the Audio Aero allows me to seamless switch audio sources without adding an awkward switching device. My Audio Aero accepts Toslink from the Satellite Receiver which also doubles as a decent OTA High Definition Receiver, and I use my Audio Aero's coax input for DVD and the AES/EBU input from the Transporter that also pulls music from my computer as well as streaming audio. Then, of course there is the occasional CD I play on the Audio Aero Capitole itself.
I am using the Transporter's analog output to another room that has a very nice secondary music distribution system which includes the Audio Aero Capitole amp.
The folks at slimdevices tell me that, for my purposes, the squeezebox that was given to me by them(when the Transporter was back-ordered) will suffice as, by bypassing the DAC I am not gaining any more by upgrading to the Transporter. However, I disagree as whatever happens when the Transporter it used sounds better.