Is this the future of the next CD player

Is this the future of the next CD player or some thing like it?
If it is what is the minimum cost with dac to get it to sound as good or better of a audiophile CD player.
Or would you build your own audiophile PC. If so what would be minimum cost to get audiophile results and what components would you use.
"Does it come with a phono input?"

The Opus has a line level input for converting analog sources
to digital. Suggest you give Olive a call on 1-877-296-5483,
if you need more info.
This isn't the future, but one of the happening developments. One of more then popular themes in serious audio is minimalist approach, with shortest possible signal path, etc. Many attached to this idea. Such versatile devices as Olive don't fit there by definition.

This kind of media server have a good chance, but we're enthusiast niche, aren't we - I'd vote for much more powerful remote server + network client as the way to go. This keeps your audio system clean from "the outside world".
For me, the future is now with the very recent procurement of a Wavelength Brick AG USB DAC!

My front end is an antiquated Dell 300Mhz Pentium II machine using Foobar, WinAMP, or Media Center software. I haven’t chosen which media player to go with yet, or whether I want to put a Mac and iTunes in the mix.

This combination of DAC and ANCIENT PC, replaced a $6K CDP, and I couldn't be happier, or more impressed with the resolution, soundstage, frequency response, etc.!

With sonics equal to, or better than CDP's costing 2-3 times as much, being able to simply click on close to 3,000 tracks is a WONDERFUL bonus. I haven't played more genres of music in one sitting, in my 30+ years in this hobby, and I'm having a blast.

Because my Galibier Quattro turntable is my main front end, my decision to divest myself of my CDP and replace it with a USB DAC, was a fairly risk-free proposition. For the ease of PC audio, I was ready to accept somewhat of a sonic downgrade. But when I powered up the Brick, the opposite was the case.

It’s interesting to have both sides of one coin in the audio room – vinyl, and computer audio. The differences couldn’t be greater in ease of handling and musical satisfaction. In my system, both are appreciated for what they do well…..Cheers, Mike