Network Attached DAC?

I'm considering adding a PC based server into my system. The server will be big, noisy, and ugly enough to locate it somewhere in the basement, which, in turn, eliminates use of USB connection. I don't want to mess up with repeaters.

So, wired Ethernet is the way to go for me. Squeezebox seems to be the an obvious option. However before I make a decision I'd like to make sure I don't miss other, may be more audiophile-oriented options. If there are USB-enabled DACs, why wouldn't exist network attached DACs?..
One thing you might want to consider (depending on the type of install you actually have to do to run the cable) is the new Opticis USB cable which are fibre, can go 40 meters and sound fabulous. But they are not a true inwall product that can be snaked through conduit etc.

As for what and why... USB is a consumer format that is installed on virtually every PC built. Billions of these are out there and they are used for everything from cameras to printers to audio. In short they are a global standard, and for the most part a manufacturer can build once and sell everywhere.

Ethernet has always been a premium product aimed at the office/enterprise market. Much fewer computers are configured this way - probably proportionately fewer every year. So its simply not a very attractive environment to develop consumer products for. Which is why at least for the moment Squeezebox and Roku have the market to themselves.

The good news is that you will be very happy with the Squeezebox - just think of it as a networked DAC - which is one of the things it is.
Well, I would disagree with all three parts :)

USB never been a consumer format, and Ethernet with all due respect cannot be considered not as premium, nor as office oriented product, especially these days. USB will never replace Ethernet just because they are designed for totally different purposes. I agree that in consumer electronics Ethernet is still rare, which is, I guess, a matter of time.

As for using Squeezebox as a DAC,.. well you have Tri Vista DAC in your system, do you really believe in this option, to use Squeezebox instead ;) ?
"Ethernet has always been a premium product aimed at the office/enterprise market."

I completely disagree. Ethernet is ubiquitous, simple, plug and play, and very inexpensive. It is also wirelessly supported via 802.11 in a way than USB is not. Try to find a PC that comes without either wired ethernet or 802.11, and if you do add a NIC for about $20.

There's a chap over at in the UK who builds audiophile squeezeboxes. Lots of talk over on that sight about modding the SB with low jitter clocks, and better output stages also.

If it were me I'd probably buy a vanilla SB and experiment with an external DAC, like a lavry.