best wireless distribution?

I have a lot of tunes in my PC mainly for an IPOD but also for my working room listening....and then my high end 2 channel system in another room. The question is what is the best way to get the itunes library played on my main system wirelessly sound quality wise?

I've seen Sonus, Sonateer, Airport Express, Squeezebox etc etc discussed but never in comparison...anyone want to take a shot? And am I correct in assuming that I want digital outs to I can use my Meitner DAC?
Meitner DAC? You had better get whatever you decide on modded. None of them are great stock... The only one that will purportedly do 24/96 is the Transporter.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
For the price range specified and to get your digital music to one location, I would recommend the Squeezebox. I personally have the Sonos because I wanted to have my music in multiple locations in my home. They both have digital outs so you can an external DAC. Keep in mind that accessing a large music library is difficult on the Squeeebox is difficult because of the small display. The Sonos has a great remote ocntrol with a large display that makes navigating my library very easy. Depending on how the music is encoded, an external DAC may not make any difference.
I have the Sonus and link it via Toslink to my DCC2. Very acceptable and far far better than using analogue out puts into a preamp...not even close.
thanks for the replies - any idea how much difference will there be w/ external dac vs sqeezebox for 128 kps vbr mp3's in some vr-1's? Thanks.

also, a simple question I can't find precisely answered in the reviews - can you stream music to this with a random laptop, as long as it has a wireless adaptor?
also this linksys seems to be a nice cheap options if you don't need an interface on the device

any one tried it here?