Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi there.the rack arrived today,excellent would be a good word.Smoother and everything has improved.Sound stage and depth amongst other things.Have you fired up the cobalt yet keith.
@ Misternice, Man!, Right out the box the Tara Labs cobalt power cord was a Revelation!, Best black back ground I have exsperienced, This power cord made the system un- broken in sound better than the system broken in the last time I listen to my system in every way possible, this went against the grain from all my exsperiences I have for power cords, @ pops, This is it, this is the power cord you got to audition pops-Jerry, cheers.
Congrats on getting the system up and running Keith! I'll resend the pics of my MC225 and C20 to the # you gave. Got em hooked up to a nice pair of Klipsch KG 5.5 with Bob Crites tweets. These TARA Labs Air 1 ics and sc sound so good, I do not want for anything up the chain at the moment. They are quite a compliment to the Mac gear. BTW, I may just show up at Dennis' place this coming weekend for a good listen to those big Source 2268! Also, Pops just got a new Vector 4 tonearm for his Basis tt, so he is busy spinning vinyl...;)
I have the one cable with XLR on one end and rca on the other. I did not try w/o the connector. Not looking to switch cables around to experiment. Sound is just beautiful. To hear such a wonderful sound from FM makes me very happy. Easy and free!
@ cerrot, hey, what fm tuner do you own?, must be a great sounding unit, thankyou for the reply.