Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
@ cerrot, hey, what fm tuner do you own?, must be a great sounding unit, thankyou for the reply.
Welcome back waxwaves!, Thankyou for the congrats, if you talk to pops, ask him to come talk to us, tell us about tone arm for his turn table, Adam, this fricken Tara Labs cobalt power cord is worth all the money and hype on my system, it has transformed the vincent cd-s7 player to a whole other league in performance, LOL!, it sounds like I got a much more exspensive player, wow!, Are you having to break-in your speakers now that you got a up-grade to the Klipsch speakers?, tell me all the impressions you have, now that you have everything in place, cheers.
Audiolabyrinth, I have a McIntosh mr78 modded by modeferri. Also using a magna lab signal sleuth.
cerrot, very nice fm set up, no wonder you are getting an excellent sound, does your, TAra labs -The one have a HFX grounding station, does the box say HFX on it?