I am also a Mac Guy. Bought Squeezeboxes ~7 months ago. Had no major issues that were not solved by consulting Squeezebox bulletin board (primarily firmware updates) until I unplugged everything other than my router when I went on a 2 week vacation.
When I returned last month, Squeezenetwork became very sporadic, Slimserver worked OK. I tried resetting firmware, they did not work. I finally in desperation just plugged and unplugged the router ( A Linksys WRT54G). This seemed to have improved things, but they are not perfect.
The mysteries of networking, I guess.
When I returned last month, Squeezenetwork became very sporadic, Slimserver worked OK. I tried resetting firmware, they did not work. I finally in desperation just plugged and unplugged the router ( A Linksys WRT54G). This seemed to have improved things, but they are not perfect.
The mysteries of networking, I guess.