Computer output to DAC, which route?

I have disbanded my main system because I am using my computer system more and more. I am going to purchase an outboard DAC for my computer, but I want to know something:
My computer comes equipped with COAX and TOSLINK outputs on the motherboard. Should I use one of those or use a DAC with a USB connection? WHat are the pluses and minuses of each way if any? I am using typical Altec Lansing speakers (good for what they are) but will probably move up to active Dynaudio monitors in the future. All music is sourced from itunes in either AAC or apple lossless formats.

Thanks in advance!
If all designers were equally skilled and all systems were up to snuff, the decision making process would much easier and there would not be so much bickering about which source is better. Everyones experience is based upon different designs and different systems. There is literally no way that a typical audiophile can say that one thing is definitively better than another, except in the context of his system.

Well said! Better than well said!!!! Should be printed on the masthead of every 'zine (e or otherwise), and scroll across every audio site.
BSME85, the whole point is to get away from the dreaded USB interface as it is soo poor. Even the best implementations are flawed. You can know see that the USB is finally beginning to be phased out.
"you don't NEED an Offramp if you go USB"

True, but the sound quality will be improved a lot if you do, even with a USB DAC. Lots of customers are doing this.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio