USB to DAC questions

Well, yes I have gone through many stages of what route I think I want to go for my new system... coming all the way from using a Zune for a player.

Now, from doing some reading on here, it sounds like the cheapest way (im on a super budget) to get great sound from my computer is to either go with a squeezebox or run USB to a USB-DAC. I was sold on the squeezebox... but it looks like I could pick up a used DAC for about the same price and have superior sound quality. Err, a DAC would beat a squeezebox in full a/d mode, right?

Alright, so I feel loaded with questions about a computer hookup that I didn't see any clear-cut answers to...

First, when we are talking about hooking up a USB-DAC with a USB cable... are we talking about just running the cable straight from one of the built-in motherboard USB ports... or are we talking about running it out of some additional hardware like a sound card with USB out. From what is sounded like, it was just one of the stock USB ports... but I need to make sure of this.

Second, most people here seem to favor MAC to output their USB signal from. Buying another computer would be WAY out of my budget. I am planning on running it from my workstation PC which is running XP because all my editing programs in Vista ran terribly. Yet, dual-booting to Vista just to have good audio would be ok as I already own a copy. So... just to be clear, there would be a big difference between XP and Vista when running USB out? It would be ideal to NOT have to dual-boot... but I will if there is that big of a difference. Also, has anyone been able to compare Vista sound with Mac sound?

Third, can someone elaborate on the difference between a NOS DAC and an over-sampling DAC?

Fourth, how would the Outlaw RR2150 receiver with a built-in USB DAC compare to a separate USB DAC paired with a separate amplifier?

And the last that I can think of for now... Does anyone have any opinions of the Musiland Md-10 DAC? I only ask because there is one listed on here in the classifieds at a price close to what I want to pay.

Whew, ya that was a loaded posting. I hope you guys can help me out with these questions. Thanks a ton.
If possible I would use Vista for your USB Dac. It's just much simpler to configure. XP does sound just fine using an ASIO to bypass the Kmixer though.The Vista just gives you more sampling options than XP.

I've had both Mac and PC in my setup..I for one prefer the PC. nothing wrong with Mac, but if ain't broke why fix it?

The player you use is very important as well. Pound for pound..the best player sound wise I've used is Foobar. It doesn't have all the glitz of WMP, Winamp or Itunes. Too my ears it just sounds a bit better.

NON OS Dacs have a certain sound to them that oversampling Dacs do not. They aren't as detailed on top. What they do give you is a more gestalt sound IMHO.

Similar to what the right tube amp can do for a system. If you're after absolute detail retrieval..look else where. They're are made more for the music lover than a stringent audiophile.
oh, i see. Thanks for the info.

So, just to make sure of one of the most basic ideas here... when everyone is talking about connecting their USB DAC to their computers, they are just using the stock USB ports that are built into the computer's motherboard, right? Or is there some additional sound card hardware people use to output USB?

So, would I be wrong in saying that a little $200 laptop running Vista would sound just as good as my $2000 editing workstation running Vista?

Any opinions on this Musiland MD-10? Its at a nice price... And apparently boasts the ability to toggle bit-depth. Wouldn't this be the best of both worlds b/w NOS and OS?
OK, I just received my new USB DAC yesterday and have auditioned the Benchmark DAC1 USB in my home studio...

Here is my brief analysis:

The system:

~Dell 3.06 GHZ computer with 4 GB RAM
~Three Western Digital "MyBook" 1 Terabyte Hard drives for music file storage
~Benchmark DAC1 USB
~Crown K2 Amplifier (a spare from my professional system equipment)
~Monster Ultra 600 THX Speaker cables with 24K Gold Banana Plugs
~Four Yamaha NS-1000's (two per channel wired parallel)

The Benchmark DAC1 USB is recognized by Windows XP as an external sound card and I have it set to bypass Windows XP kmixer. The specs are incredible with .00045% THD. The SNR and Dynamic range are also astounding.

What my ears are hearing, is the best sounding digital music I have ever heard. I have already cued a variety of music from various classical and opera (Sarah Brightman) pieces to Diana Krall, Miles Davis, and Frank Sinatra to Pink FLoyd's Dark Side of the Moon (just to name a few).

I feel like I am rediscovering the music and "hearing" it for the very first time. This is after stepping up from a $300 M-Audio Audiophile external USB sound card.

The difference in transparency, dynamic range, the sound stage with spatial characteristics of individual violins, oboe, drums, etc, is incredible.

The Benchmark DAC1 USB has made a vast improvement in an already good sounding system. It is certainly breathing new life into my $45,000 CD collection (which is all now in digital wav format on WD hard drives).

I am astounded and going back to listen to more. Although I am certain the sound quality could continue to be improved somehow, I am amazed at how my ears are able to percieve the music in this elevated level!

It's... blissful.

DJ Lane
Hi - hard core Mac guy here. Yes in theory the laptop and the mega tower will sound the same since the point of the exercise is to get the data off of the drive so it can be "reconstituted" into music away from the PC.

If you have a built in USB port (even 1.1) that's all you need. Do be aware that if you are doing a lot of things at once you may have some port sharing issues resulting in drop out or burps - easy to fix, stop working and listen =)

Don't know squat about all the hoops MSFT puts you through but have read a few million posts here and on AA. The net, net is you have to get by the ASIO/Kmixer quagmire to get anything decent at all. Not sure the XP vs Vista issue here , you probably know this from your none too happy experience with your editing software.

iTunes which is the weapon of choice for a Mac, does not seem to perform as well in the PC environment. The preferred mix is EAC for ripping and FooBar. However this requires considerable expertise and research on the part of the individual to optimize.

Do take a look over on the Audio Asylum PC Forum.

A very popular line of inexpensive DACs is built by Scott Nixon. They don't last long when they come up here. Hate to be brutal but if you are squeezing the trailing edge of the price/performance envelope I would not bother with oversampling. Less is more - first and foremost what you need is the best Burr Brown DAC chip you can get.

BTW you can oversample in software or hardware - all the usual trade-offs apply.