Zanden transport and DAC or PC audio system

My digital front is a Zanden tranport and Dac, and as I did not ever heard a PC audio system, my simple question is: Can a good PC audio system(PC or Mac with one very good DAC)sound at least as well as my pair of Zanden?
I´m very interested , because I think that the PC audio has very good things as can be easy storage, easy to find one CD or song, no more CD´s at home...and if the sound is as good, I think that PC audio is the way
No I didn't I'm afraid. Should have though, but I didn't feel like experimenting: Too lazy and happy with my rig, preferred to listen to music. (:
Hi Detlof,

Thanks all the same for replying. In any event, with the Spoiler DAC no longer being produced, I suppose it is a moot question anyhow. Unless someone offered theirs for sale. Which, considering how satisfied you are with it, seems highly unlikely.

Here's to hoping that Steve's Overdrive DAC trumps the Spoiler (at a fraction of its cost). Though I'm really eyeing the Formula One DAC that he has further behind in development. Should fit my acquisition timeline perfectly too.


Hi Emigene and Detlof,

Any updates on your digital? I am using the Zanden 5000Sig DAC, and have been happy for 5 years with no thought of any upgrade...other than my transport (Oppo).

I am however, now thinking about Stahl-Tek Vekian...any thoughts on your end? Any updates about your latest digital? Thanks!!!