Really what are the Exemplar and blue smoke?

I read something about these servers??, but on the webb of Blue smoke , they don´t says what are it, it is a PC? a server as QSONIX Q100 or SOOLOOS?
Also I can´t to find the web of the Exemplar, what it´s this device, a PC? a server as QSONIX Q100 or SOOLOOS?
Other question, one digital front that uses the Exemplar, the blue smoke , the Qsonix or the Sooloos with a very good DAC(Scarlatti, EMM labs, Zanden, MBL) can have a quality of sound at least EQUAL, to one digital front with transport and DAC of these companies(dCS, Zanden, EMM, MBL)?
Finally what can provide better sound quality of sound to one digital front, one Memory Player or one Blue smoke , Exemplar,QSONIX Q100 or SOOLOOS? logically with one excellent DAC.
Thanks for your reply, I think that a little of humor is a very good thing, but the post also need other reply
Exemplar is the "brand" of modified and custom electronics built/modified by John Tucker.
OK we know that John Tucker is behind Exemplar, but we continue without to know what is the black box made by blue smoke entertainment systems, well that is a music server and a few things more that says in theur webbsite, but nothing about software......