> But should i still be hearing this if i am averaging a
> total of 40% computer usage in my task manager?
Remember that I listed several causes. High CPU utilization figured into some of those causes and not others.
Keep in mind that audio playback is a real-time task. If the buffers ever underrun, you hear a pop. So if there is a momentary bottleneck that delays MJ12 from refilling the output buffers, the result isn't satisfactory. Windows doesn't have good facilities for reliable real-time The 40% and 60% numbers aren't impossibly high but it does suggest that your PC CPU isn't very fast for the job. Right now, I'm playing Flac files on a low end dual core AMD CPU and seeing 1% CPU utilization.
I suggested switching to the Processes tab in Task manager and watching the CPU utilization by individual processes. watching I/O activity is also informative.
I'd try increasing the buffering as I described in the first post. The current setting may just be wrong for your system. (There is a similar buffer setting for Direct Sound output in MJ12. You might switch to Direct Sound and play with that buffer setting to see if you get pops and clicks with a smaller buffer using Direct Sound.)
> I closed out all other programs
You may have to bring up the A/R program and change its settings. It probably will not appear as a task on the Start bar.
You haven't described your computer hardware and soundcard. When you post in the J. River forums, provide that information. You can get some of that info from the Help/System info command in MJ12.
> total of 40% computer usage in my task manager?
Remember that I listed several causes. High CPU utilization figured into some of those causes and not others.
Keep in mind that audio playback is a real-time task. If the buffers ever underrun, you hear a pop. So if there is a momentary bottleneck that delays MJ12 from refilling the output buffers, the result isn't satisfactory. Windows doesn't have good facilities for reliable real-time The 40% and 60% numbers aren't impossibly high but it does suggest that your PC CPU isn't very fast for the job. Right now, I'm playing Flac files on a low end dual core AMD CPU and seeing 1% CPU utilization.
I suggested switching to the Processes tab in Task manager and watching the CPU utilization by individual processes. watching I/O activity is also informative.
I'd try increasing the buffering as I described in the first post. The current setting may just be wrong for your system. (There is a similar buffer setting for Direct Sound output in MJ12. You might switch to Direct Sound and play with that buffer setting to see if you get pops and clicks with a smaller buffer using Direct Sound.)
> I closed out all other programs
You may have to bring up the A/R program and change its settings. It probably will not appear as a task on the Start bar.
You haven't described your computer hardware and soundcard. When you post in the J. River forums, provide that information. You can get some of that info from the Help/System info command in MJ12.