Squeezebox Classic - Do you like it?

Running a 35' cable from my iMac to the Processor is not a good idea due to jitter. I followed a thread on that recently on Audiogon - very informative. Steve at Empirical Audio was kind enough to answer my call for free advice and recommended, among other things, that I consider wireless using Squeezebox and the Pace Car Reclocker as one solution to eliminating that long coaxial run from computer to processor.

Input from other users of the Squeezebox Classic would be appreciated.

My system utilizes a Krell HTS 7.1 Processor, Krell Monos and Maggie 20.1s, etc.
I use the classic wirelessly with no issues. I use the digital outs into the DAC of my Opus 21 and it sounds great.

As to the jitter issue, there are as many opinions about jitter as there are products that claim to reduce it. I use a Monarchy upsampler between my Sqeezebox and DAC and its effects are nominal if at all. I have been intrigued by the Pacecar and would like to try it, but I remain a bit of a skeptic and the Pacecar is not a cheap experiment. I tend to believe that jitter is not a huge issue with modern reputable DACs, but I remain open to any evidence to the contrary. If you try it, please report back with your opinions.
I have a squeezebox 3 (wireless) into Benchmark DAC and absolutely love it. Changed the way I enjoy my music. One long playlist of favorite tracks...without leaving me listening chair.
I use a SB3 with a Lavry DA-10 DAC and get excellent results. After trying a number of different alternatives (including a Transporter) the past several years I've run the above setup for over a year and a half and really settled into it. It just has a natural ease to the sound and the upgrade urge is completely absent.