Thanks. I guess my question now is, how do you get a "low jitter bit perfect digital computer source"? In theory the wmv files should be bit-perfect. They are lossless and on digital comparison once uncompressed should be perfect. So that leaves the jitter and as I understand it there are two forms of jitter. That between the "word" and that within the "words". I know the lens is VERY old technology, but I had it and figured--what the heck.
The equipment is pretty good--I'm a vinyl person, so my DAC is not the best. It's a Levinson 360S. The transport that I compare to is the Levinson 37. Actually--it's quite good for redbook.
The difference I currently hear between the CD going into that DAC, and the wmv files going into the same DAC are pretty huge. The wmv files have a tremendous loss of dynamics, both micro and macro. My main purpose for the server is whole house audio--so this is not some great quest of mine, but if I could improve it and get the lossless wmv files to sound as good as the transport without shelling out a bunch of cash--I would certainly do it. Any additional advice is appreciated.
I haven't read the link you put in yet--but I will--so if my answers are there, sorry about this post.