Opinions on Apogee Duet performance

I am looking for opinions from those of you that use the Duet or have used it. I am most concerned with the sonic characteristics used as a dac. If you can compare it to other dacs you have used that would be helpful.It looks like a good option for me as I was looking at the Mini dac in a mac based system and for it's headphone capabilities.. I am assuming that since it is made for mac that it should be plug and play. What are your experiences?

I've got one and use it to listen to music through my headphones. Aesthetically, it is beautiful to look at and beautifully built. It has a wonderfully slim form factor and partners any Mac wonderfully.
As for sound, it is wonderfully smooth yet at the same time highly resolving, it also projects a very realistic sound stage with my headphones. I find listening to it for long periods totally non-fatiguing. At its price point it is nigh on unbeatable in my opinion.
Highly recommended.
Have you ever tried it in your big rig? What phones are you using? I will be using a pair of HD 650.
Rrboogie, I haven't placed it in my main system but I would not be surprised if it compared very favorably to my Resolution Audio Opus 21 CDP, which in and of itself is a great CDP.
The headphones I use for listening are Audio Technica ATH-W1000.
I used to listen through a Red Wine Audio modified Ipod and Ray Samuels SR-71, both excellent products and truly portable but the Apogee/Mac combo beats it. It really is that good. If it were to be produced by an audiophile company you could comfortably triple the price.