Album art, windows and squeezecenter help

I need some help. I have been using windows media to rip cd's to wma lossless because i have a hard time believing there is any audible difference in lossless formats and that is the easiest tool. It rips, tags and provides artwork, even a monkey can do it. I use squeezecenter and a transporter for the rest of the equation. Every post I read relating to this subject suggests flac is the better format and eac the better ripping tool so I figured I would give it another try (I started this way but quickly changed). I had no trouble setting up eac and ripping but I cannot remember how to get artwork to squeezecenter. I can get the artwork and drag it into the folder eac creates in my music but i cannot get it over to sc.

So I suppose I am asking 2 questions...the first is simply about the artwork and the second is there really a difference between ripping tools and lossless formats...I mean an audible one...not just because that seems to be what everyone says...I have yet to hear a rationale explanation as to why...have you?
Name your artwork "cover.jpg" or "folder.jpg" and put it in the same folder as the album. Squeezecenter will see it.
I am using dbpoweramp to rip all my CD's to flac.
Using SB Duet and Cambridge Dacmagic. Sounds amazing!!!
smholl...i tried that and just did again and it is not being recognized. wonder if i need to delete the whole folder and redo it as scenter already has that album, just no art...
I'm at a loss.
Check out
Maybe you can find an answer.

Good luck