A new Apple TV Question

OK, where did I go wrong? I finally got around to installing a new Apple TV in my main rig. When I unplugged my original (which was working fine) from the main system and plugged it in to my second system, it is no longer recognized on iTunes (or at least not completely). The icon for Apple TV 1 (the original installation which I unplugged and installed in my second system) does not show up under "Devices" but does show up as "syncing" in the Apple TV section of Preferences.

OTOH, Apple TV 2 (the new one installed in my main system)shows up in both places and works fine. In Devices it shows the spinning arrows while syncing.

Adding insult to injury, Apple TV 2 does not show up as an available library on my iPod Touch, so now I can't use it as a remote (with the "Remote" app.)

ARRRRGH! Anybody got a clue? BTW, there is no video monitor available to set up the Apple TV 1 in my secondary system.
Have you checked the Apple TV forums on the Apple website? Just go to support then communities.
Are both Apple TV's on the same network? On my second system the AppleTv is connected to the LAN wirelessly. First system is wired LAN. With the wireless, there were firewall problems leading to iTunes not recognizing the AppleTv. There are fixes to this, but a quick way to test it out is to temporarily disable your firewall.
Thanks for the replies. Will check out the Apple Forums when I have a bit more time. What is strange is that I previously posted the question of whether you can disconnect the ATV and reconnect and was told by a couple of 'Goners that they hadn't had a problem, which I am sure is the case. So when I reconnected and it wasn't recognized I was very surprised. Apple TV 1 worked fine before I disconnected/reconnected, so I doubt it's a firewall problem, because I never had to fiddle with firewall connections either when I first installed ATV No. 1 or No. 2. To answer Dgaylin's question, both are on the same wireless network and No. 1 was sort of recognized but not fully.

Thanks again. I am always impressed by the generosity of this community in trying to help out. Regards to you both.