Help with iTunes library failure after SnowLeopard

I have three Mac Minis that play to DACs on three separate systems. Things have been great until a week ago.

One Mac Mini has the library on a separate, USB-connected hard drive.

This is “home base[HB]”, and until recently the two other Mac Mini systems (out-boards [OBs] downloaded the library stored on the HB library and played from that library just fine.

I installed Snowleopard on all three Mac Minis. All went well with that. Until a week ago, the two other Mac Mini OBs loaded the library just fine from the HB computer library. Both OB computers loaded the library and played just fine.

Now, nothing doing.

Each of the two OBs seeks the library on the HB computer. When this happens, the library is never loaded on the seeking OB computer, and the library loading process causes the whirling disc syndrome (cursor) on the HB computer causing (eventually) a forced shutdown of iTunes on that computer.

The library names haven’t changed. The sharing settings haven’t changed. The library fails to load onto the two other “outboard” computers.

The wireless is working fine (loads Safari just fine, loads Netflix just fine for streaming movies, likewise Rhaposdy).

I am truly puzzled.

Your thoughtful assistance is much appreciated.

:) listening,


Firewalls? Updates?

were either removed or reinstalled, or just installed such as updates?

Rechecked the settings to look for shared libraries? & Allow share of libraries?

Think of getting a NAS drive or server instead sometime dowwn the road.

Wish I could think of something else, if I do I'll get back in.
Are all three computers running the same version of iTunes and do they all have all the newest updates for snow leopard?

I just did snow leopard on all my machines and don't have any problems, check to see you have the same version of iTunes and snow leopard, or better yet just do software updates on all of them so they all sync correctly. If that doesn't help, you have Apple tech support on the new OS call them, they have great support.
Thanks guys... yes I have the same updates including the newest iTunes on all computers. The wireless firewall wasn't involved except to dl the iTunes sw...

Yes, I think I'll have to contact Apple tech support later this week,

I've had a similar problem. On startup of iTunes, to me it always took a bit of time. After upgrading to Snow Leopard it was a bit better but after putting in the new iTunes I have to do the startup and run it overnight. When I wake up I get the swirling ball but if I click on iTunes it will go away and be fine. Maybe has something to do with my NAS. Either way, that's not why I got a Mac...