Core Audio Core Audio Technology Ratling junk, deceptive terms, rude service, Internet
*REBUTTAL Owner of company: Incorrect information
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Before I bought equipment from Ryan, I negotiated the terms of future purchases. The power supply arrived, and rattled like a bucket of bolts. Also, the product was large and unnatractive, and did not look anything like what was pictured on the website.
I called for help, and was told that he was out of town, and could not service the unit for 2 weeks. However, he was willing to offer me steps to attempt to troubleshoot and fix the unit.
First, I had to cut up my own wall wart supply, since he told me the DC cables he uses ($18) were inferior. Then, he had me purchase a capacitor and try several methods of grounding the PC. (All of which I later confirmed by several sources to be total non-sense. The PICO PSU in between his supply and the PC would make it so any grounding scheme inside the PC would be sufficient.) Then I was instructed how to tell if the rattling was a loose screw (or as I tried to tell him all along) something more serious.
Since he was unreachable, I opened the chassis so I could tighten whatever had come loose. Turns out, it was EVERYTHING! He later informed me that his grand plan was to have cheap labor mass produce servers for him, and it is obvious that this was the case. Literally EVERY nut and bolt had rattled loose during shiping, and there were no lock washers or loc-tite in use.
Evidentally, I made him feel threatened by opening his case. When I tried to have him honor future purchases at the agreed upon price, he told me that the deal had changed, and that was business (this is 2 weeks after the deal was agreed upon).
At some point, the power supply burned up, and I had it repaired, at my expense. He told me that was my fault. At that point, I returned the unit to him, hoping he would be decent and provide me a refund, but as I was afraid, he did not.
If you ever have the opportunity to do business with Core Audio Technology: Do Not! Rude, arrogant, dishonest and scared do not even come close to describing the man that runs that company.