Tuner Information Center...gospel?

I am sure many of you know this site. It seems way too many people are taking the shootout opinions as gospel.

Obvious Kennwood bias. Units that are nothing special being rated as something special....ie: Technics ST-9038 and Sansui TU-717(ok, but flat, thin, old sounding).

For what it's worth I have owned most of what this site has in the top 30, and none are better than the Magnum MD-108 (with the exception of the Accuphase 109v).

Most of the top rated older tuners sound like that...old transistors, old(and not very good) capacitors,aluminum internal wiring, Zinc RCA jacks...etc...guys and gals these do not make for high end sound.....if so, go buy some old Sansui or Kenwood amps...you wouldn't because they are outdated sonically. Then the newer Kenwoods that are rated highly...all have cheap op-amp based audio cicuits....again, these are not audiophile parts.

If you have watched the price of older tuners...and these Kenwoods...the site has had much impact on the re-sale prices of these tuners....people are putting way too much faith in one person opinions (which is what the shootouts are).

The Mitsu 20 and the Sansui 919 are very,very good...esp. if aligned and newer caps, wire and RCAs are installed. But better than the top Magnum........nope.

Also, tuners like the top two Linn, the top Naim, and others, are not among those listened to.

All this said, I do like the site, and there is much useful information and I do like the fact that this site may have made people more interested in tuners. If you have a great FM station in your area, or a few of them, then having a good tuner is a great investment. There is useful info on the site, but the shootouts are just one person's opinion.....so do some of your own listening and don't take anyone's opinion (including mine) as anything more than that.
Well, I've had a number of tuners that have been reviewed there and agree for the most part with their conclusions.
There are some I have that I'd like to see their thoughts about, as I consider them to be quite good however mostly unknown....one being the a/d/s T2.

Recently I came across a minty used T-109V Accuphase and I can say that it has the magic here, even with a short-money Magnum Dynalab FM-2 omniderectional whip antenna I use.


Paul :-)

I understand where your coming from (your system is more like mine than Jim's)

In the end all of us must decide on which pieces of equipment makes our system "whole." What and where you test with determines that.

Look at Jim's system and at yours, easy to see why the two of you came to different conclusions :^).

Me, I have a cheap tuner. Not because I cannot hear the difference or don't want to spend the money. It's much simpler than that, we have no decent radio programming here :-).
I have not been to the site in a long time.I was flamed and racked over the coals by a particular person on this site,and it left a bad impression upon me.I stated how my Marantz 120 Tuner was modded by Joseph Chow and all the new and updated parts he put into the unit.And this person just stated its people like you how we have problem in the sale of tuners.I won't go into the rest of what he said but I just could not beleive it how arrogant some people are to a new person trying to contribute to a site their own personnal opinions and get their butt chewed out WHAT GIVES I just don't understand?
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