whats the biggest mistake you made?

ever sell a peice of gear then realize you made one big mistake or find a better way to run it after its allready gone?

for me it was the mcintosh mc2102 tube amp that wasnt cuttin the mustard or so i thought,since then ive tried many amps & none have gave me the same feeling as that amp.

most of the changes ive made over the years have been good or atleast i could live with them but that one change really taught me alot,im taking things alot slower nowdays & taking the time to hear the different gear i bring in before rushing to decisions.


Glad I ain't alone. I sold my Montana eps's and two speakers later I still got zip for bass slam.
Sold Bigjoe my Cary CAD-5500 preamp. I had to go find another one after I found I missed it in my system.
I suppose we've all sold gear, only to realize what a dumb idea it was to sell it. For me, it was a Mac MC7200 amp, and it wasn't gone a week and I could've kicked myself. I have since replaced that amp with another 7200, but it cost me some bucks to do it. Why are we never satisfied with what we have?!!
Sold my 1200 pristine LP collection when CD began. Been trying to replace ti for about the last five years. It's especially disheartening when I look at the condition of many I'm interested in.

I wish I had my Cary SLM-100's back. WOW, did they sound good for how much they cost. They'd be a great start to a 2nd system. Also, some day, when I have the space for that 2nd system, I know I'll wish I had my Quad ESL-63's back.

All that said, I've never sold anything that I wish I could have back in my main system.
