Call a travel agent and have them book the hotel as a gambling junket (or other specials offered).
Sometimes there are airfare and hotel combos at an even better price. I have taken advantage of these a few times when I was younger. They are often not timed well with CES and / or return me home on a red eye flight.
I've seen The Stratosphere as low as $24.00 a night during CES and I frequently get a room at the Gold Nugget (downtown) at a reasonable price for several nights stay.
Often these gambling packages include a few free drinks, half price breakfast or lunch or coupons for a few rounds of gambling with no out of pocket expense.
While I'm not a gambler, it's a nice bonus that is included along with reasonable room rates. Don't tell the travel agent or hotel your there for CES, the price goes up immediately. If you have a bad conscience over that, spend a few dollars on the slots, making it truly a gambling trip.
One last piece of advice. You can stay anywhere in Vegas and drive to any hotel where CES has exhibits and take the free bus to view all parts of the show. Take the bus back to your car when day is done and use your private transportation to go to dinner a few miles away from the strip. Generally you can save a 20 min. to 2 hour wait in cab line this way (especially if the weather turns bad) and enjoy a meal without hassle.
Sometimes there are airfare and hotel combos at an even better price. I have taken advantage of these a few times when I was younger. They are often not timed well with CES and / or return me home on a red eye flight.
I've seen The Stratosphere as low as $24.00 a night during CES and I frequently get a room at the Gold Nugget (downtown) at a reasonable price for several nights stay.
Often these gambling packages include a few free drinks, half price breakfast or lunch or coupons for a few rounds of gambling with no out of pocket expense.
While I'm not a gambler, it's a nice bonus that is included along with reasonable room rates. Don't tell the travel agent or hotel your there for CES, the price goes up immediately. If you have a bad conscience over that, spend a few dollars on the slots, making it truly a gambling trip.
One last piece of advice. You can stay anywhere in Vegas and drive to any hotel where CES has exhibits and take the free bus to view all parts of the show. Take the bus back to your car when day is done and use your private transportation to go to dinner a few miles away from the strip. Generally you can save a 20 min. to 2 hour wait in cab line this way (especially if the weather turns bad) and enjoy a meal without hassle.