Vibration control question....

If I have access to a 18"x12"x3" block of granite for my CD player, would it be best to use spikes or can I keep using the vibrapods that I am using now ? Thanks in advance for any input.
Adona Corporation's brass cones and coupling discs are just as effective as Starsound but less expensive. Check them out.
I have been very satisfied with Starsound's Audiopoints. Been using them for years. Can you tell me more about Adona. What components did you hear them on? Were you able to AB them directly on the same rig? I'd be very interested to hear your specific experiences with Adona vs Audiopoints. Inquiring minds want to know....thanks in advance, warren :)
I'm glad you're happy with the Starsound products. I know you own the speakers too. Suffice it to say I had both brands here for a couple weeks and noticed no difference between them on my transport, preamp, and mono blocks. It's not important to list brands and models as this, IMO, is unnecessary. Bottom line is, the Adona products performed well and all things being equal I always go with the less expensive choice. Check them out for yourself. That's the only way to know. Enjoy Warren.
If you move your hands around in concentric circles at 60rpm while you apply the polish to the linoleoum you will reduce the occurence of Coloumb friction at the intersection.Tom