Rarest Brands for Sale on 'Gon

Some of these brands rarely appear here. Maybe the customers are satisfied for life?
- Boulder (I only saw at most 5 times)
- Rockport (saw a Sirius TT once, the gigantic speakers once)
- Walker
- Spectral (okay, maybe this is not so rare...)
The_smokester, thanks for the link to the Wavestream. Beautiful speakers too, I seriously considered those (Avalon) when I moved away from Sound-Lab last year.
Yr44 and Albertporter,
Lest you think that those speakers from the link I posted above are mine...They are not. That is a picture off the internet somewhere. I did not intend to mislead you all.

Frankly, the Avalons are not full range enough for my taste. Beautiful midrange and highs, though.