Rarest Brands for Sale on 'Gon

Some of these brands rarely appear here. Maybe the customers are satisfied for life?
- Boulder (I only saw at most 5 times)
- Rockport (saw a Sirius TT once, the gigantic speakers once)
- Walker
- Spectral (okay, maybe this is not so rare...)
Yea Smokester, that was the reasons I decided on the Dali Megaline instead.

Then again, the Megaline is ten thousand dollars more money and requires four amps to operate, making the Avalon a cost effective alternative.
Did you just use the concept of "cost effectiveness" in an audiophile post?

I am at a loss for words!!!
You're welcome anytime....particularly if you're willing to lug the V8's with you :-)

I've recently been directly comparing the Wavestream with the ASR basis exclusive.

The MFA is dueling with the ASR Emitter 1 exclusive and the new TRL st225

These are interesting times in audio.

Yes, in a word it's excellent. I'm not sure I am ready to go where HP has gone (keep in mind he is hearing the big brother) but it is one of the very best amps SS or tube I have ever had or heard... and this list is quite long.

In general I am coming to the conclusion that SS has come a long way...as a tube enthusiast I'm not sure I ever thought I would say that.

It has made my Tonian TLM-1's, Exemplars and Quad 57's sound as good or better than any of the other amps that have been connected to them.

I will also say that the build quality and ease of use (particularly as you are dealing with a battery system for the pre) is excellent

Great product that I also believe to be a great value when one looks at what it is and does.