I once tried to answer a post similar in context to this and really couldn't find the proper words.
The exitement, involvement, and surprise brought out by a "good" recording on a well balanced system is what I want. You hear a tune you like on the car radio, buy the CD or vinyl, play it, and are just astounded at the depth and texture you didn't hear in the car. But the best recording of music that I don't like is not going to do it.
So I fudge.
I have some nice recordings in genres that I like and it is taken up a notch with better resolution (always in a balance that I prefer). And I have some old recordings and some new highly compressed or pourly recorded or mastered recordings that I like that I play through a less resolving CDP and cables. I will even move speakers drastically to enhance certain aspects of certain recordings for fun.
You end up adjusting what you can to enjoy the music you like. It is not static.
I remember reading a set of posts on adjusting turntable tracking force and vertical alignment based on a specific album, with notes on the best settings for each record written on the cover for adjustment every time it is played.
Jim S.