What's the deal with the Machina Dynamica Clock?

Just my uninformed and untested opinion, and maybe I am wrong, but this Clever Little Clock sounds more like a Clever Little CROCK to me. Any true believers are welcome to enlighten me, but don't expect me to whip out the credit card just yet. Don't mean to "tick" anyone off. Note: sarcastic skeptical scoffers are also very welcome to post to this thread. :)
Mdhoover - I do not include return shipping costs in the guarantee; however, shipping only a few bucks -- shipping weight 1 lb.

Audiofeil - As I mentioned previously, an explanation of the clock is deferred until some time in the future; don't know when that will be...

Pableson - IMO you make a valid point.

Dennis the Menace - Yer right; I guess the dude was confused after all...

this is not meant as a slam tword you or your clock & i have been to your site where i have seen many usefull products that are as good or better than the competition but your clock does need an explaination as to how it works.

any product from any manufacturer that is questionable & is also shrouded in secrecy will be met with scepticisim.
I'm with Bigjoe. Any credible manufacturer will, without violating certain trade secrets and/or proprietary processes/materials, provide a reasonable explanation for the product regarding its' basic design and the means of its' effectiveness. Empirical data is also important.

For these reasons, this product must be considered a sham until proven otherwise. "Have faith", "trust me", or "it's a secret" are all obvious ways to obfuscate the truth and not deal with the basic questions asked.

So let the buyer beware of snake oil and Brooklyn Bridges for sale. These of course are my opinions; I have not tried nor do I intend to audition this product without substantially more and definitive information.
Bigjoe - appreciate that you investigated my web site and your positive comments regarding my other audio products.

I see what you mean with respect to secrecy and skepticism; however, having weathered the long debate on the Intelligent Chip (primarily over at AA), I have to say I saw no let up of skepticism following my (very detailed) explanation. Same for Brilliant Pebbles (now 3 years old). And we won't even mention the skepticism, perhaps stronger than ever, with respect to PWB products, their explanations notwithstanding.

These observations lead me to conclude that what many (skeptical) people actually want is a concise explanation, one they can easily sign up to and for which they can say, "Oh, now I see!" Unfortunately, the Clever Lil Clock, like Mr. Chip and the pebbles, are not such products at all.

For the time being, as I indicated previously, I much prefer to let the results of my customers do the talking, so to speak, and defer discussion of the operating principles of the Clock until some later time...

BTW, I intend to have a number of these Clocks available at CES next month...

Geoff Kait, Machina Dynamica
Maybe Geoff doesn't want to explain how the clock works because others will follow with their versions,maybe the clock is something so simple but effective in improving the sound but nobody though of it before.I have no experience with the product but I believe Geoff has a right to make a living so let him sell his products to whoever wants to buy them.It is rather simple,I am not a tweaker so I don't see myself buying one but others like to experiment .