buyer beware of late

Did anyone else respond to the "unbeleavable" listings lately, like the B&W 800's for $3000 or the N802's for $ members with no feedback. I received the message from Audiogon saying the members were "questionable" and not to do business with them. Same thing happened today with a listing for a Jadis integrated amp. I guess the only safe bet is to stay away if there's no feedback..but that doesn't do much for the legitiment new members trying to get established.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
Yes, it can be diff. buying from new members,meaning those with no FB. I guess it's a tightrope and so far I have been lucky. Sometimes it can be hard separating desire for the item and the caution one must use under said conditions. It has always been this way,even way back 5/6 years ago. It's just that the site grows; attracting 'more' members and the potential for 'more' bad stuff to happen,if one isn't 'more' careful.
Also, with AudioWeb gone (the original home for scammers) alot of those no-goods are drifting over here.
Yea got burned once. It's hard to tell this guy sold a bunch of small stuff and I was the one that bought something big. I really with Audiogon would list the cost or approximate cost of things you bought and sold or just what the item is so you can see that the guy has sold tube amps or speakers before.

I feel much more comfortable buying 5K amps off of someone that sold similar items rathor than someone that sold some cd's.
try COD with them.So the new memer will get feedback and the crook will refuse to do it.