buyer beware of late

Did anyone else respond to the "unbeleavable" listings lately, like the B&W 800's for $3000 or the N802's for $ members with no feedback. I received the message from Audiogon saying the members were "questionable" and not to do business with them. Same thing happened today with a listing for a Jadis integrated amp. I guess the only safe bet is to stay away if there's no feedback..but that doesn't do much for the legitiment new members trying to get established.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
"unbelievable" low price can simply be the result of ignorance on the part of the seller. When a nearby high end store went under the bank held an auction. After selling off all the speakers and amps, and after the auction was officially over the bank officer (nice guy friend of mine but not an audiophile) opened a drawer and found a bunch of little things in boxes. So small... they can't be worth much. A bunch of guys walked out with MC pickups for $10 each.
I'm with Jmslaw. I tried to start a similiar post a while back and it was blocked also. I'll usually email the seller and ask if local pick-up is available and if so, what part of town are they in. If they get back to me telling me no problem and give me an answer, I'm more apt to think it might be a real deal. Most of the scam ones will not respond. I've noticed what seems to me to be a marked increase in scam ads both here and on ebay. It pays to be super careful.

One suggestion would be to look if the seller is an active member of Audiogon. I have not sold here yet, but plan on it in the future. My feedback for selling and buying is zero but I have been involved for a year or so with active discussions. I also would suggest calling the seller/buyer and if you can't, it does not sound reputable.

I saw the ad's and said to myself "you've got to be kidding"
COD sounds like the best way to go when in doubt.
In addition to the # feedbak, I check the "member since"... it's hard to go back 5 years to join...