VR4 JR and VIBRAPODS... Good or bad match up?


Having recently stumbled upon the advantages of isolation devices for components, I ventured to the VIBRAPOD website... even made a call to them... they pointed out there were some mentions of their use with previous VR speakers. the Vibrapod rep said I could even use them to replace the rubber points separating the top and bottom modules! Amazing!

Isolate speakers? I thought. No. Join them to the floor, that's what everyone I talk to says...

So how about it? Anyone use Vibrapods or the like with a positive outcome on their speakers? I sure would like to find the outcome of how this has helped or hindered others.... and to what effect.
The VSA rep put some ceramic pucks under the VR4SR's and it made a surprising improvement. THe shot inside the speaker will make a bigger difference though.
Spikes are for carpet piercing and iso pads for all else...I'm using Quest for Sound Iso Pads....have used Nordost Pulsar point and vibrapods
Gee, thanks a lot. I've also got a 'suspended floor' - not concrete. Padded and carpeted. Oversized brass spikes. Never did try the OEM spikes. Also ordered and received another set of plinths from VSA. No shot in there yet, though. Near $90 aroudn here for four 25lb bags of #7.5. Was hoping to do that for Xmas but not likely with all the power cords & conditioning stuff I've just bought it'll have to wait a while.

I'm thinking to use both plinths with the pods inbetween them... VSA had recommended using either some granite slabs, or even making a box filled with sand as an improvement to isolating the units when on a hollow foor.

So, OK. Using the pods improves things... but in what fashion? Any trade offs?

I've just got a couple sets of the Vibrapods & their cones. Trying them under the tubed pre. Pods alone made an incremental improvement... together, far more than marginally. . . BUT, and this is a big BUT for me, the vocals seem a bit more recessed than they were before.... apart from that aspect, and that attenuation but a slight one, all is well and considerably more detailed, yet still very much and easily listenable... a good deal more body to the images, extremely musical

*Note - Don't have $56 for cones & pods to iso a preamp or CD player... some 2" styrofoam platforms cut out to fit the items area will improve most everything... one trade offf, though, some small loss of bottom end impact and/or resolution will occur... but $1.00 for the 'tweak' ain't bad if things are hard on the uppre ranges, It will open up things dramatically, and smooth up the entire audible range... reduce the boomy bass notes too. looks a little funky, but sounds much more natural... on the whole. Doesn't seem to change the harmonics at all. Just softer... bright system owners with shallow pockets, pay heed.