Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?

I'm using a non audiophile rack for my system because it goes with the decor. Will an isolation device still make a difference. If so which one please?
Adog: "They all pale in comparison when compared to" Have you had them "all" in your system to compare? I find it hard to believe as I am sure others will as well. Most people decide on an isolation system and stick with it for a long time for a number of reasons:

1. It really is a pain to disassemble, pack, and ship.
2. It is a pain to unpack and assemble new isoltion gear.
2. Most people do not see the value of good isolation.

Believe me, I am a fan of both Kevin Tellekamp as well as his products. I also know that others will completely differ with your opinion and have tried SRA as well as some of the competition.

BTW, Welcome to the forums. I see this is your fist time posting here and I look forward to reading more from you.
I am not "hear" to diminish the merits of any of these products. My intentions are purely based on my own, as well as, my "family" of friend's trials and tribulations. Yes, to your question, I have had direct experience with everyone of the products discussed here, as well as, many more.
I never said I had a "shoot out" comparing them all directly. My observations are purely born from listening in either familiar situations and or with gear I am a custom to. As far as set up and the like, it is only a pain when you are not committed and or you don't care.
Life is mundane enough so, when an opportunity to try/hear GPA or any of these products in a number of different systems, I find it instructive if not fun. As you state, "others" may have differing opinions (which is of course, great), but for myself and my extended family, SRA just digs a little deeper, seems more serious and for good or bad depending on your living situation, aesthetically more décor friendly (re: décor friendly: I believe I read in an AG thread you making the same comment when it comes to looks). While we are new to posting, as you were so kind to point out via your welcome, we have been reading AG threads for years. A friend pointed out this thread as he WAS on the fence with an equipment rack purchase. I thought I would join the fun in 2006 (a little early yes) & post once, maybe twice per thread if I thought it was interesting. Once again, I think one's decisions need be there own. These are all wonderful products but, back to the original question of best, for me as well as, many friends, SRA seems to do the job of isolation better with less negatives and just looks totally cool in the process.
i'll defenitly second the finite elemente suggestion...
i have 3 of the master reference racks , and incorporating their proprietory footers(cerabases/caerapucks and ceraballs).

didn't care much ,tough, for their amp stands. using 2 mapleshade blocks for the amps. any suggestions?
Jtinn: Good question. At the time I was making my isolation decisions you handled both GPA & SRA (you already had the GPA line). Any way, you were the one that so strongly suggested I get the SRA products, and told me they were better! As you already handled the GPA line, and have always steered me in the right direction, why would I waste the time going out and trying to compare things that you clearly have pointed out in some of your above threads as being such a pain to bring in, try, ship back & so on.

Further, over recent years you have shown almost mirror systems at some of the major trade shows, providing me the opportunity to A/B GPA & SRA (not the perfect A/B of course, but good enough for me to confirm my purchase decision). To my ears and eyes, I simply prefer SRA products.

FWIW, I recently heard the GPA Monaco stand at a person's house out here by me. I'm trying to negotiate an A-B comparison with the SRA, but it's going to be difficult because of logistical issues.
Hooper: You are my friend and I do not want to contradict you in public, so I suggest we take this offline. My recall is much different.

I will say that hearing it at a friend's house is not an A/B and has no value what so ever. Floor types, equipment are all different.