Best Isolation HRS? SRA? Zoethecus? Symposium?

I'm using a non audiophile rack for my system because it goes with the decor. Will an isolation device still make a difference. If so which one please?
Elberoth2, I cannot really answer your question about whether it is worth the price of admission nor that about whether investment in other components would be more worthwhile. In my experience the answer for me was regretably, yes. I suspect that it would take a demonstration in your home to decide. It certainly was not my intent to put so much money into isolation. I do not know whether SOS has demonstrated their active unit as conpared with the pump up or compressor versions of the Vibraplane, but clearly that would be what would be needed to make a choice. Although I once owned the pump up Vibraplane and have heard the compressor version, I never heard the other unit he speaks of.

Again, I meant only to suggest that isolation and firm grounding are not the only choices.
Hi Norm, No we have not demonstrated or even marketed the active unit. At it's price we feel there is not a large market and yes, it is better than the Vibraplane, no questions asked, but at $1850 vs. $7500 we would hope.

There are many of these "Active" isolation devices out there, all come from the same source. Look at Herzan ( or do a search for TSI in Germany. HWL Scientific in germany is another source. We all source from the same manufacturer all are just rebranded. The "original" Vibraplane was designed and is manufacturered in the good old US of A. Hope this helps.
Steve, not that I really care, but it is not true that Herzan makes the Halcyonic units and rebrands them.

1987 John Sandercock founded JRS Scientific Instruments to develop active isolation systems for the growing market

1991 Introduction of the modular system MOD-2

1995 Introduction of a self-contained unit MOD-1

1996 Worldwide distribution by efforts of Herzan and Halcyonics. The cooperation between JRS and Halcyonics did not developed as intended and ended finally in 2002

2002 Halcyonics bought the non-exclusive rights to the MOD-1 and MOD-2 technology from JRS.

It seems that Halcyonics product is indeed not the same.
You're right Norm, it doesn't make any difference. I was just passing on info I was given from one of the 12 full time engineers we have on staff. I have no way of confirming this, but as you say it doesn't make any difference.