What do you use to CLEAN audio equipment CASES?

I have searched this site and the internet for days, and cannot find an answer to this (simple?) question! Specifically, what products, chemicals or procedures do you use to clean and/or refurbish (usually BLACK) metal audio equipment cases (such as YAMAHA amps, etc.)? Is there a procedure to repair scratches in such cases? Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
That was a great tip,thanks.I wonder if it works on aluminum as well?
Endust for Electronics: cleaner + antistatic spray in a can. Apply with blue lint-free paper towel cut into smaller pieces. Applied to faceplates and covers it yields sparkling-clean fingerprint-free surfaces. Applied to the label-side of CD's it actually improves the sound in some cases. Applied to transport drawers or to cable jackets can result in improved sound in some cases, similar to Nordost ECO-3 antistatic but significantly less expensive. It also cleans CRT surfaces, leaving an antistat coating which repels the attacted dust. Endust is commonly available in retail housewares sections.
My less complicated method is 'glass plus' --- Lightly spray a clean white cotton cloth, not the component. Then turn the cloth to dry--- Gets rid of finger prints and light grease.
Also a Sharpie Metallic (silver color) hides scratches on silver cased components. Just today got a Parasound tuner that had some bad scratches on top - the Metallic Sharpie covered them up a lot better than I expected.