About Apple, I hope it's true, but I'll believe it when I see it. At some point, bandwidth may be fast enough and cheap enough that it doesn't matter how big download files are, but we are very far away from that point right now. Apple Lossless would require 5-6 times the bandwidth. To replace half of all CD sales would take a 20-fold increase in downloads. So you're talking about needing more than 100 times the current bandwidth, simply to replace half of all CD sales with CD-quality downloads. It'll come, but don't hold your breath.
Besides, what Apple really needs bandwidth for is video. If they had more bandwidth right now, which do you think they would do with it: make their music files larger, or offer more and longer video content?
Besides, what Apple really needs bandwidth for is video. If they had more bandwidth right now, which do you think they would do with it: make their music files larger, or offer more and longer video content?