Essential Blues/ jazz

would some one guide me and recomend a few very good LPs. I am just geting into this type of music having spent the past years on Rock and Rap. I hope for a list of blues and jazz. thanks cj

Sdcampbell has given us some really good posts on jazz, so his advice for a starting point is very good advice. Also, here are some threads to get you started (since the search function at Audiogon doesn't seem to index all the threads past a year or so):

Your favorite Blues Album?
Blues "must have, top 100" list?
Jazz Recs for Classical Music Fan

If radio is available to you, consider finding a local radio station with jazz programming and tuning in over a period of time. That's a good inexpensive way to begin exploring what styles of jazz may be of interest to you before making purchases.

Also, if you have a public library nearby with CDs available on loan, there's another good source for explorations.
Great ideals! I will use them all I know already that i like the old stuffmaybe the 1940 thru the 1970's. But realy i should hear it all so i dont miss out. thanks very much.
Hmmm, 40s through 70s. That'd be late swing through fusion. Good you've narrowed that down! :-)

Seriously, enjoy the ride.
I have found that a lot of the labels sell "sampler" volumes very inexpensively.

The (blues) one that immediately comes to mind is Alligator Records "Genuine House Rocking" series.

Happy listening,