Linn Classik All-in-one box solutions

Looking for an All-in-one. Any other ideas out there besides Linn Classik? I would be willing to consider a matching 2 box solution as well.
i have owned the linn classic and it is a great unit if you really want to enjoy to it's fullest buy a linn 85 amp and use it for the amp ....also linn mimik, genki with their majic intergrated is killer especially with their speakers.....very heavy unit and clean...
For a 2-box solution, I agree on the Classik with an LK85. Also consider the other way around: a Genki with a Majik.

One-box solutions are pretty much limited to Linn, NAD and Arcam at the moment. OTOH the Magnum Dynalab MD-208 has no CD player, but a great tuner, and IMHO a better amp than the Classik, Majik or LK85.
Audio Analogue just came out with the Enigma , an all-in-one that was reviewed pretty highly and received a Best Buy in this month's HiFi Choice (Page 62). The unit has tubes, no less. Supposedly it looks and sounds great and the price is GBP850, which would put in the Arcam's price range. Don't know about US availability.

As for a matching two box solution, the Music Hall A25.2 integrated amp & cd player are hard to beat and pretty sweet at $1100 (more rhyming is a New Year's resolution).

Regards, Rich