Is live reproduction the goal of audio?

Is the ultimate direction of electronics to reproduce the original performance as though it were live?
Hey lookee there, Charlie made a funny! Your gold star and wax clown lips are on the way in the mail to you now! Congratulations.

C5150 - "100% Truth" is entirely relative. Put 100 people in a room. Play some music on a stage in front. Ask the 100 people to recount what happened, or what it sounded like, or what the people on stage looked like, or what the room was'll likely not get any 100% truth from your queries. So which "truth" should 'audio' be looking to duplicate...whose truth...whose ears? Stand a different spot in the room, sit in a different chair in the orchestra, and the performance sounds different. Peoples hearing is different. What different people pay attention to and recall is different. The "truth on the master tapes? Played through what? In what room, to whose ears? What if you don't like "The Truth"? What if you can't handle "The Truth"?!!! The concept of objective truth is boring and sterile and has nothing to do with music or art. To illustrate that you chould use the film analogy again and look at Andy Warhols documentary of, I think it was the Empire State Building. He put a camera on a tripod and filmed the building from the same vantage point for many hours without moving the camera or tripod. That's the entire film. That's the truth. That's Andy's truth. I doubt many of us would be interested to watch it for very long. What's your truth? What's wrong with a "wild discussion" actually makes you think a bit...stretch your imagination...step out of the box.

I agree with you, BTW...seeking 100% truth in audio reproduction is chasing a carrot on a stick attached to your head. An imaginary carrot at that! Seek out what you enjoy the most, and stick with it. If you can manage it, enjoy what you have..that's a real gift! Not too difficult actually.

Just like you did?

Ah, but you see I have the whole ensemble; the lips, the round rubber nose, clown shoes....I've got the whole Bozo thing going on! As Tvad indicated, I'm sure folks would appreciate if you had something more to contribute aside from your snide comments. What have you got to say about the subject at hand, besides the fact that you are not a member of the jax2 fan club?

>>Your gold star and wax clown lips are on the way in the mail to you now<<

The gold star is cool but skip the lips. I have no interest in looking like you.
To illustrate that you chould use the film analogy again and look at Andy Warhols documentary of, I think it was the Empire State Building. He put a camera on a tripod and filmed the building from the same vantage point for many hours without moving the camera or tripod. That's the entire film. That's the truth. That's Andy's truth. I doubt many of us would be interested to watch it for very long. What's your truth? What's wrong with a "wild discussion" actually makes you think a bit...stretch your imagination...step out of the box.

I'm not tooo fast . but will get there.

I'm so far out of the box that you should stay away.

You see you are absolutely right about my truth, Andy's truh and your truth. So much that when someone says that component A kills B then he is imposing their truth on you . You will never get to the bottom of anything that way.

Making this a wild discussion about the subject ....and not the subject. 100%

Making me and you wild and .....LOL