Stillpoint ERS Paper Question

I would like to get some opinions from A'goners who have tried the ERS paper tweak. Please let me know which component (ie, CDP, Amplifier, preamp, etc) you treated and where you put the paper/cloth on your components. Also, how much did you use (ie, one 8x11, two 4x6's, etc), and your observations good or bad!
In advance, thanks and happy listening!
I don't have any fatique without the ERS. With it the music is lifeless. As always, YMMV.
I have almost a fully covered system and there are no weaknesses whatsoever, just a blacker background and more resolution.

I put everything in separate compartments inside the chassis so as little as possible is touching anything. I put scotch tape at the bottom edges to avoid short circuits and keep the paper elevated a few mm above the circuit boards. The paper is separated 1-2 cm from all cables.

I used 33 sheets of ERS and 1 roll of scotch tape to do it. The only thing I haven't covered is my speaker cable, I used up all the paper in a few days.
I sold the uncut sheets that I still had. Totally worthless in my system.
It depends on the system. I use all the most transparent components which makes music sound edgy and bright if the problems aren't fixed. Without power conditioning, vibration isolation and ERS Paper my system doesn't sound acceptable to listen to because the background isn't black enough. It has been bothering me a lot and I couldn't listen for more than an hour. But with ERS Paper the noise is gone and I can listen all day.

In my system ERS Paper made the 2nd biggest improvement I have ever heard. A whole new world of detail has opened up, I need to keep pausing music to confirm if the subtle sounds come from real life, but they come from the recording! I couldn't believe it and had to listen many times!

My system has never sounded this warm before, and there is more resolution and detail than ever. Background is blacker and I hear deeper into the music. ERS Paper made my system better in every way.

I have some pictures and videos here: