Any opinions re UK forums Vs. Audiogon?

Just wondered if anyone in the states ever checked out some of the UK forums?
Some very useful stuff (about 10%)hidden away between juvenille,idiotic and ? shall we say somewhat 'narrow minded' thinking.
"Never in the field of human conflict, has so much s--t been spoken by so few "
I don't generally find them very pleasant places to visit.
it seems to me that Audiogon somehow manages to remain a civilised and predominantly friendly Oasis.
Is this because 'you guys' are more reserved, more polite,more confident? who knows.
We should be offering cups of tea whilst you chaps should be all gung ho - seems to me there has been a role reversal along the line - a visit to Pinkfish can be like a stroll in a/the Ghetto(under privildged neighbourhood?) (Black , white or otherwise), loose your wits for a minute - and you get mugged!


Disclaimer - this is only my opinion, I will retract it if it in any way offends anyone or more to the point I don't want nasty comments, god forbid I should have an opinion.
It's just struck me, would you call a hifi forum Pinkfishmedia - something stinks there.
"I think UK audio forums are just marketing tools, you can't believe a word of what's written on them. If they're not trying to sell you something, they're trying to pick a fight with you."

That's very odd, since many of the recommendations on pink fish are for equipment that is no longer produced.

Personally I think you're confusing pride of ownership, with marketing. Many people like to suggest things that they own. Nothing wrong with that.

I would say that Audiogon and pinkfish are both excellent places to get unbiased, experience based feedback for prospective demos or purchases. To be honest I place more trust in what I read on these two sites, from posters with an established track record, than I do in any of the magazines, from professional reviewers.
"That's very odd, since many of the recommendations on pink fish are for equipment that is no longer produced."

I found the standard answer on pink fish is - send it to Avondale for modification...
On the marketing point, the flat eart Linn, Naim coda is being slowly eroded.
On track records, I could but won't name dozens of people on Audiogon who have actually owned and heard a huge selection of equipment - most of Pinkfish ? well Linn is great, now SME is better.

Some of the advice is laughable and I see and god forbid hear some of the results.
I've seen £50 phonostages in 14k systems and people putting £80 cartridges on 5K linns - through good advice/tips from the forum?????
It can be helpful but imo most of the time is the blind leading the blind whereas some of the stuff on Gon goes way further than any magazine review and can really be of great help.

Aslo in spite of some ejjitbay mentality creeping in, most people on Gon buy & sell at realistic & fair prices and do not dick people about for weeks on end making ridiculous offers & demands about something in the classified's.

I asked for opinions and stated my views, and hey , the Pinkfish fan slags me for airing my opinion - get my drift?
Rgds Simon
But Simon, Linn is great. :) At least it is far more to my liking than almost all other gear I've heard so far in the same price bracket. That is of course my taste, and as they say, there is no accounting for it.

But seriously, I don't think the fact that people at Pinkfish have an affection for Naim and Linn makes the site in some way any less serious. There is a British sound in hi fi, and surprise, surprise, the British have a liking for it!
Hi Newmanoc,
since I have, eh, rather a lot of tables,including a few Linns, I would be the first to agree that the Sondek is a classic table.
I've just bought a funkfirm/vector kit for my own Linn and can't wait to get it up & running - will it oust my Oracle?
I imagine they will sound different but all my tables do and
all have their own strengths & weaknesses.

It's not less serious but can be tedious.
The d.i.y. section of the forum gets my vote every time.