Is it Audio, or is it Art?

A casual survey of the latest batch of high end electronics and speakers leads me to an interesting observation. The trend is towards exotic physical shapes which go far beyond any legitimate technical necessity. Taking power amplifiers as an example, electronic “guts” worth about $2000 can be near SOTA. You could put the circuitry in a plain metal box and it would sound the same. But no…we see beautifully sculptured enclosures, and price tags in the multi-kilobuck range. In the case of loudspeakers the number of 6 inch drivers, exhibited without a grill, seems to be a selling point, like the number of cup holders in autos a few years back.

I used to get mad about the prices charged for high end power amps, but not now since I have tumbled to the fact that these items are works of art as much as they are practical sound systems. Are they not proudly displayed on open racks? When you think of, for example, a pair of Chord monoblocks for $75,000, as electronic gear it is completely absurd, but when viewed as a piece of artwork (sculpture) 75 grand is unexceptional. And it plays music too!
manufacturers have a nickname for the most expensive products....MARGINALIA....the most expensive digital front ends are all first cousins to that walkman in a blisterpack.
Onhwy61, the list of ugly gear that produces some of the finest sound obtainable is long indeed. Looks and sound have nothing to do with each other.

I agree that a well engineered piece in a plain jane wrapper hits closer to home to me than the converse. Sadly, as has been pointed out, this hobby has become about status and spending more than the next guy in far too many cases. Faceplates as thick as a floor safe, blue LEDs, book matched veneers, and perfectly executed lacquer finishes provide as much pleasure and price of ownership as one that provides stellar sound. Sometimes, even more.

And, for the record, my wife wears a Rolex, and my daughter a Timex. The Timex seems to keep perfect time. The Rolex has been sent back twice in 5 years because it does so poorly at keeping time.
Trelja, I don't agree that this hobby has "become about status and spending....". I think there was always a % that bought based on what status it appeared to give them. In my youth I remember seeing/hearing systems comprised of JBL Hartsfield,Paragon, or Olympus speakers with a full rack of McIntosh or Marantz components. You could buy a house for what some people paid for their systems. Same today. The balance may shift a little from decade to decade but will always be with us.
Small volume boutique producers of luxury goods try to make their own market niche working heavily to achieve a distinct coloration of sonic soundprint - to rationalise investment within the domain of audio- and an individual visual statement to distinct the product from the ones of other producers and to rationalise the ivestment within the domain of 'proud of ownership'. This leads to art like visual statements - or such a funny things like the glowing feets of trivistas, and so on. There is product for each of us to help to feel that we spent our money well.
Why can't it be both audio and art? To behold something which one finds beautiful while listening to beautiful sound is very natural. If you can afford both, why not? "Either/or" questions in the contexts of discretionary spending and the appreciation of art are overly simplistic, methinks.