Audio Debt?

Are people going into medium or even long term debt to purchase their audio equipment?

Just curious.
Ecruz is 100% right on this one. People will finance other toys, collectible cars, plasma TV's, boats and more.
I have an aversion to debt. It comes from owning your own business. But I fully understand if someone wants to borrow a few grand to buy something they will use daily, not just a dozen times a year.
OK. Let's be honest here..How many of you who have answered to this thread bought a piece of audio equipment more than $500,$1000,$2000,$3000,$5000,or $10000 and pay cash for it?
Have not gone into long or medium dept, but what I would consider short term. Makes for a smart move if there is a item you might be able to obtain at a great price in a small window of time. And the savings would amount to much more than the interest to pay off the debt in the few months it would appear on the card.
The only thing I'll ever finance is my house. All the rest if I can't afford it I can't have it. I guess it comes from being raised in Yorkshire !

I may buy it all on a credit card, but the card is paid in full each month.
Morons are NOT audiophiles!! In fact I doubt if they know what audiophiles means.