Well, I have been in this situation, and what I did was this:
First, be completely honest with the parents, and let them know that you are very concerned.
Second, let them know that you are aware that kids will be kids, but if something gets broken, that as the parents of the child, they are responsible for the child's actions, including any damaged or broken equipment.
Third, and this is the most important advice I am giving, let the parents know the exact cost of the components of your system. (Yes, this might seem like bragging, or it might make them think you're eccentric at best, and nuts at worst, but you will get your point across that if their kid breaks it, they will be out a very large sum of money!)
At this point the parents will be very concerned that they will now be on alert and will be quite aggressive towards watching the child.
FYI, I've done this a couple of times, and one time, (my wife's friends), actually said they changed their minds and ended up staying at a local hotel with their two children. (Didn't break my heart in the least!)
My two cents worth anyway!
Good Luck to you and your equipment!
PS If you have a turntable, make sure to:
A. Have a dust cover,
B. Always have it in place,
C. If possible, put something heavy on top, so they kid can't lift it up!
FYI: At one of my BBQ's, my friend's kids strummed the exposed cantilever of my Benz Micro Glider 2 like a guitar string so they could hear it make funny noises! (My friend (obviously a true friend!) came through with most of the money to replace the cartridge. I got a Koetsu next time, as the cantilever is hidden under the body of the cartridge and it has a stylus guard to boot!!)
First, be completely honest with the parents, and let them know that you are very concerned.
Second, let them know that you are aware that kids will be kids, but if something gets broken, that as the parents of the child, they are responsible for the child's actions, including any damaged or broken equipment.
Third, and this is the most important advice I am giving, let the parents know the exact cost of the components of your system. (Yes, this might seem like bragging, or it might make them think you're eccentric at best, and nuts at worst, but you will get your point across that if their kid breaks it, they will be out a very large sum of money!)
At this point the parents will be very concerned that they will now be on alert and will be quite aggressive towards watching the child.
FYI, I've done this a couple of times, and one time, (my wife's friends), actually said they changed their minds and ended up staying at a local hotel with their two children. (Didn't break my heart in the least!)
My two cents worth anyway!
Good Luck to you and your equipment!
PS If you have a turntable, make sure to:
A. Have a dust cover,
B. Always have it in place,
C. If possible, put something heavy on top, so they kid can't lift it up!
FYI: At one of my BBQ's, my friend's kids strummed the exposed cantilever of my Benz Micro Glider 2 like a guitar string so they could hear it make funny noises! (My friend (obviously a true friend!) came through with most of the money to replace the cartridge. I got a Koetsu next time, as the cantilever is hidden under the body of the cartridge and it has a stylus guard to boot!!)