Hello Audiogoners, I could really use your advice...

I have some visitors from Europe that will be staying at my apartment for 1 week. They also have a 6 year old. Can anyone give me any advice on how I can tell them not to touch the stereo without offending? All I can envision are curious 6 year old fingers (i.e. dimples in tweeters, pushing ten buttons at a time, etc.)

If they are people you have to *tell* them, then they should not stay with you...

Sad but true.
this interesting question & its answers/suggestions by the various members certainly brings to light the attitudes of citizens of the Western world - material wealth reigns supreme & human relationships are -w-a-y- behind! A country filled w/ such poor people! :-(
rather than have hard feelings or even worse lose a friendship sipmly pack the system away for a week,kids that live in homes with high performance systems know all the rules about staying the hell away from papa's rig,kids who dont live in homes with high performance rigs find them captivating & cant wait to twist all the knobs & poke their little fingers through all the dustcaps on the speakers.

you could even end up with a peanut butter & jelly sandwich shoved inside your transport,not a pretty picture.
Get one of those invisible fences they use for dogs, except make the 6 y/o wear the shock collar. Put the barrier field three feet around your system. Every time the kiddo tries to cross the line....ZAP!! Or you could use mousetraps.

OK, maybe not. On second thought, maybe you'd better just put the thing away or cover it with a blanket or unplug it or something......
just let your "Audio Geekness" shine for a good half hour, speak all technical and long winded, the will get so bored with it and not want to encourage you!