Power Conditioners

What are the disadvantages of a power conditioner that has current limitations as opposed from one that is not current limiting?
And if the current limiting power conditioner is balanced, would this istill make a difference?
Stenho - Some of the line conditioners and probably a higher percentage of the devices sold as ac filters work by shunting noise line to line. I.E., no current limitations, you can actually end up with a more robust current supply with caps hooked up close to the load or good ac filters close to the noise sources.
Audio Magic! I've had them all. Sold my Eclipse to help purchase a new rig. Now, I only have one AM Digital into a dedicated line. Beautiful. If you're going to condition anything: do your front end first into a dedicated line. That may be the end of your electric journey. peace, warren :)
Now, now, Warren. All means all and that's all it means, right?

For if you truly 'had them all', would that not also include the Foundation Research line conditioners? And if you owned the Foundation Research line conditioners, what would you possibly be doing with the Audio Magic, as good as they may be? :)

I hope you are doing well.

John, life is good and my new rig, swings. Haven't had this much fun since my Magnaplanar Tympani 1D days. Oops, sorry if I'm beginning a thread digression...power conditioners? oodles of the same old same old in the archives.. warren
Hello John and Warren..Conditioners, all that I have tried have all made it worse.My home is 35 feet from the main transformer in the neighborhood and my breakout box in in the same room as my system. Maybe that is the reason that conditioners have only changed the texture of my hair and not my hearing.Tom